Local Authors Collection Submission Form

Saratoga Springs Public Library does not purchase unsolicited materials, nor does it generally purchase self-published books if those books do not have published professional reviews. If you wish to donate in the spirit of providing public access to your work, the completion of this form is the first step in the consideration process.

Acceptance of Collection Development Guidelines

By continuing to the next page of this form, and verifying acceptance of the guidelines, you indicate the following statement:

I have read and understand the Saratoga Springs Public Library Collection Development Guidelines for Local and Self-Published Authors. I wish to donate a copy of my work to Saratoga Springs Public Library and I release all claims for compensation related to the use of this item. I understand fully that my donation will not be returned to me, regardless of the disposition decision made by library selectors. I understand that librarians are not able to meet with authors individually, provide editorial service or advice, or confirm the final disposition of donations. I understand that If the work is accepted for addition to the Local Authors collection, my sole acknowledgment will be that the title will appear in the library catalog within approximately 60 days, and that acceptance of one title does not guarantee acceptance of additional titles.