Copiers, Faxing, Printing, Computers, and Wireless

The library recognizes the need for online access to educational, reference and entertainment materials. We offer access to computers and the internet throughout our building. We also offer free computer training and classes on various subjects. If you’re already a veteran with computers and own your own device, you may find our remote printing, wireless access, or our in-house 3D printer to be more your style - come in, sit down, connect and go!

Please remember that all areas of the library follow expectations outlined in the Patron Code of Conduct [1].


Located on each floor of the library is a flatbed scanner capable of producing two sizes of copies:

  • Letter (8.5”×11”)
    • $0.15 - Black and White
    • $0.50 - Color
  • Ledger (11”×17”)
    • $0.30 - Black and White
    • $1.00 - Color

Our scanners are capable of scanning hardcover books, magazines, maps, and of course standard letter-sized paper documents. Assistance from staff is available if needed.

Faxes and Faxing

Our fax capability is located only the 2nd floor of the library and is integrated into our public copier unit (only available with this copier). The copier can auto-feed multiple-page documents, but it is recommended to send 10 or less at a time, if possible, as longer fax transmissions are subject to a higher possibility of failure due to common phone line interference.

Faxes can be sent to domestic numbers, inside the US. This service is offered at no cost.

This service is for outgoing faxes only, and for physical documents only. We cannot accept incoming faxes on behalf of patrons, nor do we support sending a digital file as a fax.

For assistance using our fax service please see the staff member at the nearby service desk during our open hours.

Computers and Technology

Computing Areas

The library has many areas available for computing. Public Computer Guidelines [2] are expected to be followed by patrons visiting the library.

  1. Whole Building Wireless
    The entire library offers free public wireless connectivity. You may bring your own devices to connect. No library cards or other registrations are necessary.
  2. Public Internet Access Computers
    • The second floor of the library offers computers to the general public. A library card is encouraged, but not required.
      • We also have a PC with specialized software and hardware for those with additional accessibility needs.
    • The Teen Room has PCs available for age-appropriate visitors.
    • The Children’s Room offers select software for our younger patrons.
  3. Computer Education Center also known as the Computer Lab
    At the far south end of the second floor of the library is a room dedicated to providing classes and training to the general public. A library card is not typically required, but usage of this room requires appointment by staff or registration to programs held by staff.

Printing is available from the Public Internet Access Computers. The cost is per printed sheet of standard paper:

  • $0.15 - Black and White
  • $0.50 - Color

Borrow a Laptop

The library offers Google Chromebooks for checkout and use. A SALS/MVLS library card, in good standing, is required. If the physical card is not presented, a government issues photo ID will be required for verification purposes.

Borrow the Internet (HotSpot)

Available for Saratoga Springs City School District library card-holding residents, the library offers loanable hotspots using the T-Mobile cellular network. Bring the internet along with you!

Remote Printing

The library provides a printing solution for wireless devices through the Princh service. This service can be used through a web page for standard computers, via email by any email-capable device, or via specifically created apps for iOS (Apple) devices or Android devices (found on the respective app store). You could even use it from home if your personal printer is having a bad day.

To print unsupported documents, or web documents that require a username/password for access (such as boarding passes or online bank statements) a standard computer may be required.

Prints are 8.5x11” single sided B&W at $0.15 per page.
Printing is only available during standard library hours.
Images will print actual size, or fill the page if larger than the paper.
Any print jobs not picked up will be purged from the system at the end of the day.

Remote Printing FAQs
How does one print from the webpage?

Useful for PCs (Desktops, Laptops, Netbooks)

  1. Navigate to [3] -110394 is the code for the Library printer (an email address will be required)
  2. Attach the file to be printed
  3. Accept the terms and click the continue button.
  4. Provide your email address to use to release the job later.
  5. Release the print job from the SelfCheck unit on the 2nd floor near the Reference Desk
  6. Prints are B&W and $0.15 per page
How does one print from email?

Useful for Mobile Devices or Quick Prints (PCs, Mobile Phones, Tablets)

  1. Compose a new email to and attach the document or image to the email. Alternatively you can paste text in to the body of the email to have it printed.
  2. Wait for the confirmation email to know that your print is ready.
  3. Use your email address to release jobs at the SelfCheckout station on the 2nd floor near the Reference Desk.
  4. Prints are B&W and $0.15 per page
Are there mobile apps?

Yes. To print from a Supported Mobile Device “App”, please use the associated AppStore link from the following supported devices:

3D Printing

The Saratoga Springs Public Library has an Ultimaker2 3D printer available to make three-dimensional objects in plastic using designs uploaded from a digital file.

How it Works:

  1. Fill out a 3D Print Request Form [6] online.
  2. Attach a 3D design file in STL or OBJ format.
  3. A staff member will review your request and notify you of the cost of printing ($1 per hour). Maximum print time is 8 hours. The library may consider requests for longer print times, subject to availability and workload.
  4. Accept (or deny) the associated charge for the 3D print.
  5. After the job is completed you will be notified your print is ready for pickup at the Circulation Desk on the main floor of the library. You will pay for your print requests at the Circulation Desk when you pick up the item.
  6. Completed prints will be held for a maximum of 14 days. Items not retrieved will be discarded. Due to material and equipment costs, for items not retrieved, the associated charge will still be applied to your library account.

For any additional questions about 3D printing that are not found below, please contact the Computer Clerk Desk at 518-584-7860 ext. 216. For questions about completed prints on hold, contact the Circulation Desk at 518-584-7860 ext. 303.

3D Printing FAQs
What is the cost?

The cost of 3D printing is $1 per hour, rounded up to the nearest half hour. We will notify you of the cost of printing before the start of printing in order to verify your acceptance.

How long does it take?

The library currently is accepting 3D print projects that take 8 hours or less to print. The library may accept reasonable requests for multiple prints subject to printer availability.

Once we receive payment, our goal is to complete printing within two (2) business days, but the library cannot guarantee completion within a specified period. Printing is available on a first come, first served basis. Priority may be given to library-specific usage and activities. The printer may be unavailable at times due to maintenance repair, heavy use, or scheduled programming.

How do I create a design?

Any 3D design software may be used to create a 3D model as long as the file can be exported to an STL or OBJ format. [7] is a free online 3D design program with tutorials. You may also find and download designs for free from file-sharing databases such as [8], Thangs [9], and [10].

What is the quality of the 3D printed objects?

3D printed objects may have small bumps, holes, and rough edges. These can be cleaned up using fine sandpaper. Objects are printed from the bottom up. If a design has a large overhang or suspended parts, support material may be used. These additions can be removed by the patron. The library is not responsible for removing support materials added during printing.

The 3D printer has the capacity to print objects up to 8.5” wide by 8.5” deep by 8.0” high. Objects will be printed in one color (whatever is on the spool) using PLA filament.

Patrons will not be charged in cases of mechanical failure of the 3D printer. No refund will be given if an object does not print correctly due to design errors. Patrons will not receive a replacement print of the original due to dissatisfaction with color, scale, quality, design, or required support material.

Who can request 3D file printing?

Library card holders over 13 years of age may submit a 3D design for printing. Persons younger than 13 may have the 3D Print Request submitted by a parent or guardian.

What is the policy on use?

The library’s 3D printer may be used only for lawful purposes. Users are not permitted to use the library’s 3D printer to create material that is:

  • Prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
  • In violation of another’s intellectual property rights. For example, the printer may not be used to reproduce material that is subject to copyright, patent, or trademark protection.
  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, poses a threat to the well-being of others, is obscene, or is otherwise inappropriate for the library environment - including weaponry or parts of weapons (such use may violate the terms of use of the manufacturer).

The library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request. Assistance in the 3D printing process by library staff does not constitute knowledge, or acknowledgement, or any potential final use of the printed 3D product, and the library specifically disclaims any knowledge of such use.

Objects which are not picked up within 7 days will be discarded or recycled. All files are subject to deletion from the library computer system once a print job has been completed.

What 3D printer settings are being used?

We have altered the default settings for our printer in order to lessen the number of failed prints and printer “down time”. In order to estimate an approximate cost for your 3D model prints with our service, you can download and open our Cura Project [11] into your own version of (the free software) Cura [12] (version 3 or newer). This will import our printer (Ultimaker 2), custom printer profile settings (sspl), and a test object (SSPL keychain) into your install. Be sure to switch things back if you have your own printer and configuration. By opening this project, however, you can get a more realistic estimate of print time and the related cost. To open: File -> Open -> Open File(s)… Select the downloaded project (3mf) file provided here. Slice the object to get an estimate of time (and set it back to your own settings once done).

Please note that the location of the settings, as described here, may change as newer versions of Cura are released. As a precaution, it is advisable to back up your own settings prior to importing SSPL’s.

Our 3D printer uses 2.85mm PLA filament, extruded by a 0.4mm nozzle.

File Downloads