The Memory Project: Messages from Survivors

The Saratoga Springs Public Library is extremely proud to present a meaningful, thoughtful, and richly interactive display for our public. The Memory Project: Message from Survivors is here!
This interactive display can be found on the 2nd floor of the library. It will be here for all of March. Each of the 6 informational panels shares stories and messages from one Jewish family. Each panel also offers a QR code that provides the ability to watch a video that corresponds to the family on the panel.
Next to the display are individual shoe box cards of survivors as well. Pick one up and take it home, and share the experience with others. Each card has photos, a video QR code, and a message from the survivor(s) that was purposefully shared for future generations to hear.
Along with this temporary, interactive exhibit, we will also be hosting a Holocaust survivor who will be speaking at the library on Sunday, March 10, at 1 pm, and a book talk and short screening of Finding Kalman: A Boy in Six Million, a rich and strong story of memory, self-discovery, and creation. Don’t miss them!
For additional resources relating to regional history, the Saratoga History Room offers a collection from Shi’ara Tfille and the Jewish Community Center that contains the materials from an exhibit that was done at the Center on the Jewish soldiers and their families from Saratoga who fought in World War II. Come into the room to access the collection and understand more of the history; researchers may find our online finding aids for this collection useful as well.
Similarly offered is the Sophie Goldstein Saratoga Jewry Collection, comprising audio interview recordings with Jewish residents of Saratoga Springs by librarians Sophie Goldstein and Florence Susman. For this collection, there is a digital, online collection exhibit, as well as a finding aid for researchers looking for more detailed information.
Visiting the Saratoga Room in-person to be provided a more in-depth walkthrough of the collections is always a welcomed treat for us to guide you through.
Saratoga Springs Public Library: delivering resources and experiences that engage, entertain, educate, and empower our entire community.