In response to the City of Saratoga Springs’ implementation of a seasonal paid parking program in city-owned lots, the Library and the City have updated our agreement about regulations in the library-owned parking lot on Putnam Street. Between 9am and 6pm, parking in the Library’s parking lot is restricted to LIBRARY PARKING LOT PERMIT holders. Residents of the Saratoga Springs City School District, and members of the Friends of the Saratoga Springs Public Library [3] at the Ex Libris level or higher, who are library card holders in good standing, may visit the Library during our open hours to register for permits. Please bring your library card or driver’s license, and your vehicle’s registration.
Following approval of updated agreements with the City of Saratoga Springs, changes will be implemented to prioritize library patron parking in the Library parking lot during the majority of our open hours.
On April 11, 2024, registered voters who live in the Saratoga Springs City School District will vote on the Saratoga Springs Public Library’s FY2024-25 Budget.
The Saratoga Springs Public Library is extremely proud to present a meaningful, thoughtful, and richly interactive display for our public. The Memory Project: Message from Survivors is here!
We welcome you to our newly updated website! The Saratoga Springs Public Library’s main website is going through a full refresh. You’ll notice an updated design, additional content and features, and a lot of metaphorical wet paint! Certain aspects of the site are expected to be in a continued state of flux for some time to come, all to bring you better things!
The Saratoga Springs Public Library respectfully acknowledges that it is located on the ancestral lands of the Mohican, the Mohawk, and the Abenaki Peoples. We thank them for their enduring stewardship of this land.
Because our current health crisis is disproportionately affecting People of Color and working poor people, and given our present national reckoning with systemic racism, implicit biases, and unearned privileges, we are recommitting to fostering racial justice, socioeconomic inclusion, and human dignity by committing to undertake a review of policies, procedures, and practices in order to identify and eliminate barriers to service. Library Director, Ike Pulver, announces the first policy updates resulting from this process.