Program Guide Generator

Our bi-monthly Program Guide is hand-curated by library staff to offer you our most robust listing of upcoming programs and events and to highlight some of our more highly featured happenings. We always recommend viewing that, as well as subscribing to our email newsletter as the primary source for learning what is going on with the library.

We also understand, however, that sometimes you just want to know what you want to know. For those instances, this Program Generator may be just what you need. This generates a PDF of the upcoming programs (currently scheduled for up to the next 60 days; more are added all the time!) based on the selections you choose.

Set Your Interested Date Range

The maximum end date can only be 60 days from today, regardless of what is chosen.
If no value is chosen, the current week will be used.

Set Your Preferred Categories
Set Your Audience Type, and Time of Day Options