Library and Related Policies
In order to make the experience of all patrons a good one, the library has various policies in use. These policies can be viewed here, on our website, by all. To learn more about any of our policies, please read them over and contact us with any further questions, concerns, or general feedback.
These policies may relate to the general public, employees, administration, and the running of the library board. All policies are made available for full and open disclosure.
Bulletin Boards, Handouts, and Displays
The library has set specific criteria for the sharing of public information within the building. These rules explain that criteria.
Bylaws of the Saratoga Springs Public Library Board of Trustees
The library board follows certain guidelines and rules with regard to their behavior and expectations. This policy covers what these expectations and guidelines are.
Collection Development and Materials Selection
The purpose of this statement on material selection is to establish policies to guide staff and to inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made.
- Appendix 1: Censorship
- Appendix 2: Library Bill of Rights
- Appendix 3: Freedom to Read
- Appendix 4: Freedom to View
- Appendix 5: Free access to libraries for minors: An interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights
- Appendix 6: Guidelines and procedures for reconsideration of library materials
- Appendix 7: Collection development guidelines for local and self-published authors
Confidentiality Of Library Records
New York State identifies regulations for the confidentiality of library records. This is a copy of that article.
Conflict of Interest
The Library depends on the trust of the community to achieve its mission. It is therefore crucial for all employees to strive to maintain the highest ethical standards.
Contributions and Memberships
The library does not partake in contributions or memberships to other nonprofit institutions without significant benefit to our organization and those we serve.
Environmental Policy
Saratoga Springs Public Library is committed to reducing our environmental footprint and promoting environmental stewardship at all levels of our organization.
Fiscal Responsibility Policy and General Accounting Practices
Library funds are generated by the general public through local taxes and as such we expect a high level of fiscal responsibility. This document clarifies how we aim to meet that goal.
Fixed Asset Capitalization
The purpose of this policy is to establish a uniform capitalization policy that complies with federal and state financial reporting requirements.
Guidelines for Animals in the Library
Standard pets are not allowed in the library. Service dogs specifically trained to do work or perform tasks may be allowed. This policy defines our guidelines over such scenarios.
Holiday Decorations
The library maintains a general policy on how, and when, holiday decorations may be used within the library.
In District Patrons
This policy defines the reasons for certain exceptions to be made for patrons who reside in a specific geographic location versus those who do not, as well as other related exceptions.
This investment policy applies to all moneys and other financial resources available for investment on its own behalf or on behalf of any other entity or individual.
Library Accounts and Circulation of Library Material
Outlined here are our provisions for library accounts, circulation of materials, any business related to anything therein.
Library Parking Lot Regulations
The library parking lot has certain restrictions. Please review these regulations to understand what the restrictions are and how they may affect your use.
Meeting Room Use Policy and Guidelines
The library maintains three meeting rooms which may be reserved by not-for-profit community groups and agencies - not individuals. Meeting room use is subject to the provided guidelines.
Pandemic Operations Plan
This document describes the policies and operations over pandemic situations and scenarios.
Patron Code of Conduct
All patrons are expected to abide by a certain set of customary, standard guidelines. This policy asserts what those guidelines are.
Public Address (PA) System Policy
This document describes the policies with regard to our building-wide PA (public announcement/address) system.
Public Computers
This policy must be agreed upon in order to gain access to a general public use computer, and lists the usage expectations therein.
Racial and Social Justice
Saratoga Springs Public Library adheres to the tenet that every member of our community has a fundamental right to live without discrimination and deserves equal justice under the law.
Saratoga Springs Public Library Procurement
The library aims to be frugal with its publicly funded budget. This policy explains how the library goes about its responsibility in acquiring goods and services.
Schedule of Fines and Fees
Provided here is a listing of all the known charges (fees and/or fines) determined by the library and library board.
Security Camera Policy
Security cameras are in use within and around the property of the Saratoga Springs Public Library. Read the policy to understand its usage, monitoring, and purpose.
Trustee Code of Ethics
This document describes the policies over the library board’s code of ethics.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Statement
The Saratoga Springs Public Library is committed to the safety and security of its employees.