49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866-3271
(518) 584-7860 • Fax: (518) 584-7866 • www.sspl.org
Library Board of Trustees
Board Meeting
Monday, July 12, 2021
Frank Brady, Kathleen Capelli, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Janet Lindner, Minita Sanghvi, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Eric Blackman, Laura Clark, Jennifer Ferriss, Ric Taras, Sue Pettit, Denise Feltes, Chris Alexander, Klare Ingram
Don Flinton, Jennifer Ogrodowski
Meeting Called to Order at 5:20 PM
New Business: Frank Brady welcomed Klare Ingram, President, Friends Of SSPL. Klare shared in her President's Report that governance, membership and fundraising are the current priorities for the friends. Time was provided time for questions at the end of her presentation. Report from President of FOSSPL attached.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Discussion regarding prorated holiday benefit for part-time associates. Tabled pending fiscal impact information. Motion made by Minita Sanghvi and second by Janet Lindner to approve the June 14, 2021 meeting minutes. All in favor. Motion carries.
APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: After some discussion, motion made by Minita Sanghvi and second by Heather Crocker to approve the June Pre-Paid Checks #68905-68906 & 69111-69112 totaling $1126.16 and the July Warrants/Checks #69115-69204 totaling $214,311.64. All in favor. Motion carries.
APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL REPORTS: Motion made by Minita Sanghvi and second by Terence Diggory to approve all financial reports. All in favor. Motion carries.
GIFTS IN MEMORY OF TOM KERSHNER: Gifts are still coming in. Ike spoke of Tom as a big supporter of the library. Motion made by Janet Lindner and second by Frank Brady to preserve Tom Kershner’s library card number so it can be passed down to another member of his family. All in favor. Motion carries.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Frank Brady welcomed everyone to a new fiscal year, a bigger Board and meeting in person. He is looking forward to the coming year.
- Ike congratulated Carol Daggs and Frank Brady on their wins in the Trustee vote. He thanked Sue Pettit for taking on the duties of Library District Clerk.
- Reopening Status: We have moved to Phase 7 of our reopening plan. Summer Reading programs are moving along with in-person outdoor programs. The 3-hour computer use is now reinstated. There are no appointments needed for the Saratoga Room or the computers. The Glasby and Susman Rooms can now serve walk-in patrons at a 50% capacity. More tables and chairs are out with no time limits for their use.
- If the library has the staffing, we anticipate expanding the hours to 9PM Tuesdays and Thursdays. Monday, Wednesday & Friday hours will be 9AM-6PM. This will give more time to address staffing issues and plan programs.
HR UPDATE: Requesting to appoint Katherine De Luca to Cleaner (P/T) effective July 2, 2021. Motion made by Frank Brady and second by Janet Lindner to appoint Katherine De Luca to Cleaner effective July 2, 2021. All in favor. Motion carries.
Request to Update Civil Service Job Specifications to match the Civil Service Commission’s specifications. Motion made by Janet Lindner and second by Frank Brady to officially approve the new language for the Civil Service Specifications. All in favor. Motion carries.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Were read. The Social Media Report is being updated to match our Strategic Plan. Jennifer Ferriss added the library is bringing back the Repair Café on September 18th. It will be held outside the library or at the City Recreation Center on Vanderbilt Street. Laura Clark reported that the Summer Reading enrollment is double last year's enrollment.
OLD BUSINESS: Reopening status and updates to job specifications were addressed previously in Ike’s report.
NEW BUSINESS: Was at the beginning of the regular meeting.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: To follow to discuss a particular personnel matter.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:00 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Susan Pettit, Administration Clerk, Denise Feltes, Senior Account Clerk