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Library Board of Trustees
Board Meeting
Monday, July 13, 2020
Frank Brady, Kathleen Capelli, Heather Crocker, Terence Diggory, Janet Lindner, Minita Sanghvi, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Eric Blackman, Tara Chhabra, Laura Clark, Jennifer Ferriss, Don Flinton, Jennifer Ogrodowski, Ric Taras, Carmen Vasquez
Meeting Called to Order at 5:01 PM
Approval of June 8, 2020 Minutes:
Kathleen Capelli second by Frank Brady approve the June 3, 2020 meeting minutes with the following correction: (New Business: Frank Brady, second by Kathleen Capelli approve the Commendation of Steve Sheinkin's service to the Library.) All in Favor, motion carries.
Approval of Expenditures:
Minita Sanghvi second by Kathleen Capelli approve the June Prepaid Ck # 67992 - 67993, totaling $566.35, along with July Warrants Ck # 67997 - 68076, totaling $207,463.10, with the following correction: (Prepaid check numbers changed to reflex correct sequence.) All in favor, motion carries.
Approval of Financial Reports:
Janet Lindner second by Terence Diggory motioned to approve the Financial Reports. All in favor, motion carries.
President's Report:
Welcome Heather and Terry, thank you for helping to expand our Board. Plans are being made, mid-September, to establish the following three committees and to appoint a 7th Board member, for which I would be looking for Board input.
- Planning Committee - devised of 2-3 Board members to liaison with Ike.
- Personnel Committee - devised of 2 Board members to liaison with Tara and Ike.
- Recruitment / Nominating Committee - devised of 2 Board members.
Seventh Board Member:
Upon receipt of the candidate's resume I will distribute it amongst Board members. Since this is an appointment and not an elected Trustee, via the official voting process, their term would conclude on: June 30, 2020. The appointed candidate would then be required to run in the next election in order to gain full Board member status, which would entitle him / her to the 5 year term.
Public Comment:
Correspondence and Communication:
Director's Report:
Welcome Terry and Heather and congratulations on your election. As we all know this year's Budget Vote and Trustee Election was unusual for the Library. The next Budget Hearing, Budget Vote and Trustee Elections were added to our (FY) calendar as done historically. There is uncertainty as to how the process will be conducted in the future, discussions continue on keeping with the mail in voting process, but all is unknown at this time. The remaining Director's report, statistics and department reports were reviewed. Board approval is needed on the following two appointments: Lorie Wies and Mary Ann Rockwell, each from Librarian I to Librarian II. Janet Lindner second by Minita Sanghvi approve the appointments, effective as of: July 1, 2020. All in favor, motion carries.
Special / Committee Reports:
Old Business:
Discussion took place on this year's mail in Budget Vote and Trustee Election. Budget vote and Trustee election dates were added to the Library's (FY) year calendar as was prior practice, despite the uncertainty of future voting practices.
New Business:
Terence Diggory second by Heather Crocker approve the adoption of the Library's new Racial and Social Justice Policy. All in favor, motion carries. Kathleen Capelli second by Janet Lindner approve the removal of the Library's Fine and Fee schedule, with revisions discussed. All in favor, motion carries. Terence Diggory second by Janet Lindner agreed to differ adoption of Juneteenth to the Library Holiday calendar, pending a full panel Board discussion and further review of the Racial and Social Justice Policy. Kathleen Capelli second by Frank Brady approve the Library's Holiday, Special Closing and Board meeting Schedule for FY 2020-2021 and CY 2021 with revisions discussed. Kathleen Capelli, second by Frank Brady approve the Resolution of Commendation of Dan Hubbs.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:02 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
C. Vasquez, Recording Secretary