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Library Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Executive Session
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Kathleen Capelli, Frank Brady, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Jean Fei, Nancy Luther, Issac (Ike) Pulver, Tonya Faiola, Trevor Oakley, Jennifer Ferriss, Jamie Chabot, Catherine Brenner, Kelly Mccombs
Ric Taras
Meeting Called to Order at 5:03 PM
I. Call to Order at 5:03pm
II. Approval of October Regular Meeting Minutes–Action required –
Jean motioned to approve, Heather seconded. Motion approved.
III. Approval of Expenditures– Action Required (See Exhibit I)
- October Prepaid ACH Transaction and November Prepaid Checks 72835-72838 Totaling 13,700.89
- November Warrants/Checks 72839 – 72926 Totaling $157,387.30
Terry motioned to approve. Jean seconded. Motion approved.
IV. Approval of Financial Reports – Action Required
- October and November Prepaids and November Warrant Summary Sheets (Exhibit I)
- Budget Report - (Exhibit II)
- Income Report - (Exhibit III)
Terry motioned to approve. Heather seconded. Motion approved.
V. President’s Report – Katie provided an update on the land next to the library, which is currently in conversation with the new owners of Wild Horse. The library is considering selling a small triangle of land to the new owners to reduce liability and improve the outdoor space.
VI. Public Comment – Patrons expressed concern with the bar next door and if the library would be liable if the bars patrons came onto library grounds.
VII. Correspondence and Communication – Katie mentioned a letter from a patron who expressed difficulty in parking to access the library's books.
VIII. Director’s Report
- Director’s Written Report (Exhibit IV) –In addition to his written report, Ike discussed that the library is finding that there is much disinformation about the permitting process spreading on social media sites. The board suggested that the library could consider writing letters to the editor to clarify misconceptions about parking.
- Department Reports (Exhibit V) –
Jen (Assistant Director) - In addition to her written report, Jen discussed her time at the New York Library Association Conference in Syracuse. Jen also discussed the successful presentation on the Read to recovery program at a conference, which generated significant interest and potential for replication.
Don (IT Department) - In addition to his written report, Don discussed the implementation of multi-factor authentication for security purposes, acknowledging the potential privacy concerns but noting the lack of pushback so far.
Trevor (Access and Outreach Services) - In addition to his written report, Trevor also mentioned a new video game collection and the process for checking in and resetting the devices.
Kelly (Human Resources) - In addition to her written report, Kelly discussed the ongoing issue of starting pay and staffing levels, particularly concerning cleaners. The board suggested that the issue might need to be addressed in the next year's budget cycle.
IX. Special / Committee Reports
- Branch Expansion Exploration Committee – Katie discussed the committee's recent activities, including reviewing staff comments and creating survey questions for the community.
X. Unfinished Business – N/A
XI. New Business
- Requests to Appoint
- Denise Roberts, Cleaner, Operations (P/T), effective November 8, 2024.
- John Boradgiak, Building Monitor, Operations (P/T), effective November 20, 2024
Katie motioned to appoint. Carol seconded. Motion approved.
XII. Adjourned at 5:52 PM to Executive Session to Discuss a Legal Matter and a Personnel Matter
Respectfully submitted: Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk
XIII. Executive Session
A. Present: Kathleen Capelli, Frank Brady, Heather Crocker, Carol Daggs, Terence Diggory, Jean Fei, Nancy Luther, Issac (Ike) Pulver
B. Call to order 5:55 PM
C. A particular legal matter was discussed.
D. A particular personnel matter was discussed.
E. Executive Session Adjourned 6:20 PM
XIV. Regular meeting reconvened.
Frank moved That Katie ask the owners of Wild Horse restaurant to agree to the four points proposed by attorney Stephanie Ferradino, representing the Library in the matter of prospective purchase of Library property; and that the Board authorize Katie to pursue further negotiations in this matter.
Carol seconded. All in favor. Motion approved.
XIV. Regular meeting adjourned 6:25 PM
Respectfully submitted: Terence Diggory, Board Secretary
Meeting Adjourned at 6:25 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Respectfully submitted: Tonya Faiola, Senior Account Clerk