Public Computers
While using the library computers, please observe the following policies:
- Viewing of sexually explicit images is prohibited.
- Keep voices low and conversations to a minimum; others are studying and working.
- Do not stay in the Computer Center unless you have been assigned to a computer.
- Please wait for your turn at the table near the Computer Center. If you are not in the area when your computer is available it will be assigned to the next person waiting.
- Please be courteous to others when using cell phones. (We suggest using the stairwell or coffee shop.)
- Computer workstations are designed for one person, and may be used quietly by two under some circumstances.
- We reserve the right to ask people to leave the area if other users are being disturbed.
- Malicious tampering with library hardware or software will not be tolerated.
- Failure to observe these guidelines may result in eviction from the library and/or suspension of computer use privileges.