Library Parking Lot Regulations

Last updated: March, 2025

Library Parking Lot Regulations

Between the hours of 9am and 6pm on all days the Library is open, parking is limited to 3 hours, and is reserved for Library Parking Lot Permit holders or vehicles parking in designated handicap accessible spaces properly displaying a “Parking Permit or License Plate for Those with Severe Disabilities,” issued by a Department of Motor Vehicles.

Library Parking Lot Permit Eligibility

To be eligible for a free Library Parking Lot Permit, an applicant must:

  • Reside or own property within the Saratoga Springs City School District; OR be a member of the Friends of the Saratoga Springs Public Library at the Ex Libris membership level, or higher; AND
  • Have a Saratoga Springs Public Library Card account in good standing (card is not expired, and fines/fees under $50).

Paid Parking

While the City of Saratoga Springs Seasonal Paid Parking Program is in Effect (generally Memorial Day through Labor Day)

On days the library is open:

  • Permit holders park for free from 9am to 9pm, and will pay $2 per hour or fraction thereof, between 9pm and 9am.
  • Non-permit holders may park after 6pm, until 9am and will pay $2 per hour or fraction thereof during those hours.

On holidays, the library is closed: All parkers, including permit holders, will pay $2 per hour, or fraction thereof.

While the Seasonal Paid Parking Program is not in effect: Permits are required between 9am and 6pm on days the library is open, however there are no fees to park.

Obtaining a Permit

To obtain a Library Parking Lot Permit, applicants must:

  • Visit the library during its open hours (generally Mon-Thu 9am-9pm; Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-5pm; Sun Noon-5pm, with some exceptions for holidays and special closings),
  • Bring a driver’s license and vehicle registration to prove eligibility, and
  • Register for the permit at the Circulation Desk.
  • Names and addresses on all vehicle registrations must match the name and address associated with the library card account.