The library administration offices are located near the bathrooms and periodicals (back issued) on the parking lot side of the building. After exiting the stairs or elevator, turn right and go straight. There is a sign above the door and braille wall plates to describe the location. Please note that the door is locked to the public - please knock and someone will come greet you if available. You may also stop at the Reference Service Desk for assistance to get in touch with a staff member located in the Administration Offices.
The bathrooms are located on the far end of the building on the parking lot (Putnam) street side. There are two bathrooms, and each are single stall unisex bathrooms.
The bathrooms are located on the far end of the building on the parking lot (Putnam) street side - there are two multi-stall bathrooms, one for men and one for women, both have diaper changing stations. There is also a women’s bathroom just inside the Coffee Shop, when it is open.
The bathrooms are located across the hallway from the Crawshaw Story Room near the Children’s Music and Videos collection, and can be seen from the staffed desk of Youth Services. There are two multi-stall bathrooms, one for men and one for women, and both have diaper changing stations.
Bollerud Board Room
The Bollerud Board Room is located on the second floor next to the Administration Offices. After exiting the stairwell or elevator for the second floor, immediately turn right and head down the hallway, keeping the wall to your right. About halfway to the end of the building, on the right, will be the Bollerud Board Room.
Computer Lab
The computer (training) lab is located on the far end of the building next to the public computers. From arriving on the second floor from the main stairs or elevator, turn right and go to the end of the building, on the opposite side.
The elevator is located on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, across from the Reference Desk and near the main stairs.
The elevator is located on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, near the Information Desk and across from the Check-outs and Returns (Circulation) Desk. It is next to the main entrance from the parking lot, and across from the far side of the Henry Street main entrance.
The elevator is located on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building. It is in the main hallway, next to the Crawshaw Story Room and near the main stairs. It is also near the ground floor bathrooms.
Emergency Exits
The labelled emergency exits are located at the far ends of the building on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the main hallway. Other routes may be used for exiting the building if an alarm sounds throughout the building - please follow the directions as given by staff.
The labelled emergency exits are located at the far ends of the building on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the main hallway. Other routes may be used for exiting the building if an alarm sounds throughout the building - please follow the directions as given by staff.
The labelled emergency exits are located at the far ends of the building on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the main hallway, and a single exit doorway out to the parking lot after partially going up the stairs. Other routes may be used for exiting the building if an alarm sounds throughout the building - please follow the directions as given by staff.
Geography and Travel
After exiting the stairwell or elevator to the second floor, head straight to the opposite (Henry Street) side of the library. Turn left. All along the wall is where the Geography and Travel collection is kept.
Newspapers, Magazines and Journals (Back Issues)
After exiting the stairwell or elevator to the second floor, immediately turn right and head down the hallway. The magazines and journals will be found near the end of the hallway on the left on shelving as a makeshift wall. There are also a few bookcases on the other side of this makeshift wall.
Nonfiction Audiobooks
After exiting the stairwell to the second floor, head straight to the opposite (Henry Street) side of the library until you reach the bookcases. Turn right, and the nonfiction audiobooks are between the second-to-last, and last rows of shelves. If exiting the elevator, head straight to the opposite (Henry Street) side of the library until you reach the bookcases - this is the last bookcase. The nonfiction audiobooks are between the current and next row of shelves to your left.
Nonfiction Books, Audiobooks, Videos
The Nonfiction collection of books, audiobooks, and videos are housed on the whole second floor of the library. For finding a more specific part of the collection, ask a librarian for assistance.
Nonfiction Oversized Titles
The nonfiction oversized titles, found on the second floor, are found near the back issues of magazines and journals, nonfiction audiobooks, and across from the Computer (Training) Lab. After exiting the stairwell or elevator to the second floor, turn left down the hallway. Down that hallway will be a wall made up of bookcases. The nonfiction oversized materials are found on the side furthest from the wall.
Nonfiction Videos
After exiting the stairwell to the second floor, head straight to the opposite (Henry Street) side of the library until you reach the bookcases. Turn right, and the nonfiction videos are between the third and second-to-last rows of shelves. If exiting the elevator, head straight to the opposite (Henry Street) side of the library until you reach the bookcases - this is the last bookcase. Turn left. The nonfiction videos are between the second and third rows to your left.
Public Computers
After exiting the stairwell or elevator to the second floor, the public computers will be slightly to the right and ahead. The service desk found between the entrance to the floor and the computers is also where questions for signing up to use computers may be asked. Use of the computers requires an active patron library card in good standing.
The computers for use by children-aged patrons (only) on the ground floor is found next to the Youth Services’ service desk. Access to the computers requires an active (child) patron library card, or a request at the Youth Services’ service desk.
Quiet Study Room
From the stairwell, immediately turn right and head to the elevator, once in front of the elevator, turn left, you should be facing the Reference (Service) desk. From the elevator, head straight across to the other side of the building as the Quiet Study Room is straight ahead.
Reading Group Titles
After exiting the stairwell to the second floor, head straight to the opposite (Henry Street) side of the library until you reach the bookcases. Turn right, and the reading group titles are on the last row of shelves. If exiting the elevator, head straight to the opposite (Henry Street) side of the library until you reach the bookcases - this is the last bookcase. The reading group titles are on the right side.
Reference Desk
The reference services desk is found near the middle of the floor on the second floor. After entering the second floor from the main stairs, the desk is slightly to the right and straight ahead. After entering the second floor from the elevator, the desk is straight ahead.
Saratoga History Room
The Saratoga History Room, also known as the Saratoga Room, and the Local History Room, houses archives and information specific to the local area. This room is located on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building near the main stairwell. After entering the second floor from the main stairs or elevator, turn left and head straight to the first doorway that faces you. The Saratoga Room’s open hours differ from that of the library building.
Stairs and Floor Exits
The second floor’s stairs can be found near the middle of the building on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side. It is between the elevator and the Saratoga History Room.
The first floor’s stairs to the building’s other floors can be found near the middle of the building on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side. It is between the Friends Book Shop and the main exit to the parking lot. The two main exits on this floor are both near the center of the building on opposite sides. One is near the parking lot (Putnam Street) side, the other is next to the Circulation Desk and the New and Popular collection (Henry Street side).
The ground floor’s stairs to the main and upper levels can be found near the middle of the building on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side. It is directly opposite the front of the service desk for Youth Services and next to the Treehouse Room.
Adult Literacy
Adult Literacy is kept along the wall just after and outside the Teen Room on the main floor. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head to the center of the building and turn left. The Adult Literacy collection is found in the last of three bookcases along the wall to the left. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head to the center of the building, beyond the Check-outs and Returns (Circulation) desks, and turn right. The Teen Nonfiction collection is found in the last of three bookcases along the wall to the left.
Check-outs and Returns (Circulation)
For returning and checking out items, the service desk area is found centrally on the main floor. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, on entry to the building, these desks are straight ahead. From the front of the building (Henry Street), on entry to the building, these desks are to the immediate right.
Fiction Titles
The library’s collection of fiction titles (adult and teen) are on the first floor of the library. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, from either the main entrance, stairwell, or elevator, turn left and the collection is straight ahead. From the main (Henry Street) entrance of the building, follow the Check-outs and Returns (Circulation) desks and head to the right and the collection is straight ahead. For help finding a more specific part of the fiction collection, please ask for help from a librarian (such as at the Information Desk).
Friends Book Shop
On the main floor, from the center area parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, turn left and head toward the Teen and Fiction collections - the Friends Book Shop entrance will be against the wall to the left just beyond the stairwell. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head toward the center of the floor straight ahead and then turn right. Head straight toward the Teen and Fiction collections and the Friends Book Shop entrance will be against the wall to the left just beyond the Check-outs and Returns (Circulation) desks.
Friends Coffee Shop
The coffee shop is on the main floor of the library. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the library, turn right and head toward the end of the building, keeping to the far right wall. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head straight toward the other side of the building, go to the other side of the wall behind the Information Desk and turn left and head to the end of the hallway. Beyond the doors to the Dutcher Community Room, but before reaching the emergency exit and public restrooms is the entrance to the coffee shop.
Graphic Novels
On the main floor, from the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head to the left and opposite side of the building. From the main entrance (Henry Street) side of the building, follow rightly along the Check-out and Returns (Circulation) desks on the right, and back around to the inside of the building wall. The Graphic Novels are along the wall.
Harry Dutcher Community Room
On the main floor, from the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the library, turn right and head toward the end of the building, keeping to the far right wall. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head straight toward the other side of the building, go to the other side of the wall behind the Information Desk and turn left and head to the end of the hallway. The doors to the Dutcher Community Room will be about halfway down the hall.
Henry Street Frog Park
The Henry Street Frog Park is located in a small patch of land on library property, outside, on the Henry Street side of the building, at the southern edge of the property. It can be entered through a simple gate along the sidewalk.
Information Desk
From entering the building on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side, the Information Desk is hidden behind the pillar seen straight ahead and immediately to the right. On entry from the front of the building (Henry Street side) the Information Desk is seen straight ahead.
Magazines and Journals (Current)
The newest selection of Magazines and Journals that the library owns are kept near the New and Popular collection, on the south side of the building. On the first floor, from the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head to the main part of the floor on your right, towards the far windows. From the main entrance (Henry Street side) of the building, turn left and head towards the far windows.
Music, Fiction Videos, Fiction Audiobooks
The music, fiction videos, and fiction audiobooks collections can be found near the New and Popular collection and behind the Information Desk. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, turn slightly to the left and head straight to the far (glass) wall. CDs are all along the wall, DVDs and audiobooks are along the shelves nearby. From the elevator, main entrance, or stairwell on the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head toward the center part of the floor towards the Check-out and Returns (Circulation) desks, and turn right. Behind the Information Desk will be the shelving for the videos, audiobooks, and music collections.
New and Popular Titles
The New and Popular collection is kept on the main floor across from the Information Desk and Check-out and Returns (Circulation) desks. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head toward the exit on the other side of the building. Before reaching the exit, turn to your right, and the shelving will be straight ahead. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, after entering the building, turn left, the shelving will be straight ahead.
Teen Materials
Teen Materials are found on the main floor in the hallway just outside the Teen Room itself. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head to the main part of the floor and turn left. The shelving straight ahead, in front of the Friends’ Book Shop, starts the Teen Collection. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head straight just before the Information Desk and beyond the Check-out and Returns (Circulation) desks, and turn right. The shelving straight ahead, in front of the Friends’ Book Shop, starts the Teen Collection.
Teen Media
Teen Media (videos and audiobooks) are kept along the wall just before and outside the Teen Room on the main floor. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head to the center of the building and turn left. The Teen Media collection is found in the second bookcase along the wall to the left. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head to the center of the building, beyond the Check-outs and Returns (Circulation) desks, and turn right. The Teen Media collection is found in the second bookcase along the wall to the left.
Teen Nonfiction
Teen Nonfiction is kept along the wall just after and outside the Friends Book Shop on the main floor. From the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head to the center of the building and turn left. The Teen Nonfiction collection is found in the first bookcase along the wall to the left. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head to the center of the building, beyond the Check-outs and Returns (Circulation) desks, and turn right. The Teen Nonfiction collection is found in the first bookcase along the wall to the left.
Teen Room
On the main floor, from the parking lot (Putnam Street) side of the building, head to the center of the building and turn left. The Teen Room entrance is along the wall to the left, just before the emergency exit at the end of the building. From the main (Henry Street) entrance, head to the center of the building, beyond the Check-outs and Returns (Circulation) desks, and turn right. The Teen Room entrance is found along the wall to the left just before the emergency exit at the end of the building.
Child, Teacher, and Parenting Materials
The collections for Child, Teacher, and Parenting materials are found on the ground (bottom) floor of the library. After exiting the stairwell to the ground floor, head towards the Youth Services’ service desk and the collections are to your right (videos and audio) and your left. From the elevator, enter through the doorway slightly to the right and turn left, you are facing the media (video and audio) collection - otherwise turn left and go to the end of the hallway, then turn right and move forward to face the Youth Services’ service desk. On the right is the media (videos and audio) and on the left is the rest of the collection.
Children and Parenting Music and Videos
After exiting the stairwell to the ground floor, head towards the Youth Services’ service desk and the music and videos are to your right. From the elevator, go through the doorway ahead and slightly to the right, and turn left and the music and you will be facing the music and videos collection.
Crawshaw Story Room
The Crawshaw Story Room is on the ground (bottom) floor. After exiting the elevator or stairwell, turn right. The Crawshaw Story Room is the first and only room, in this hallway, with an inset door entryway on the right.
Glasby Room
The Glasby Room is on the ground (bottom) floor. After exiting the elevator or stairwell, turn right. Head toward the end of the hallway. There is a hanging sign from the ceiling next to its entryway door. The Glasby Room is the last meeting room on the right with glass windows. It is before the emergency exit and before the staff-only entryway at the very end of the hall.
Susman Room
The Susman Room is on the ground (bottom) floor. After exiting the elevator or stairwell, turn right. Head toward the end of the hallway. There is a hanging sign from the ceiling next to its entryway door. The Susman Room entrance is about halfway down the hallway, on the right.
Treehouse Room
The Treehouse Room is on the ground (bottom) floor. If exiting the elevator, turn left and head toward the stairwell, then turn right as if exiting the stairwell. If exiting the stairwell, enter the Youth Services area and follow the wall on your left to the first doorway (just inside the Youth Services area) - this is the Treehouse Room.
Youth Services
The Youth Services’ service desk, on the ground floor, from the stairwell is seen straight ahead. From the elevator, turn left, and at the end of the hallway turn right (away from the stairs); the desk is straight ahead.